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Top Ten Toys of Christmas 2016

December 1, 2016


Best Toys of Christmas

The heart of the Christmas shopping season is here, and BestToys has published its Top 25 Toys for Christmas 2016 based on updated reviews, sales figures, demand, and news reports.

1. Hatchimals


At the top of our list is the Hatchimal.  The Hatchimal has proven to be the hard to find toy for Christmas 2016.  SpinMaster, the manufacturer of Hatchimals, reports more Hatchimals will be available in November, but our prediction is that they will not last long on the shelves.  Check out a review of the Hatchimal on Hot Christmas Toys.

2. Snuggles

Coming in at number two is Little Live Pets’ Snuggles My Dream Puppy.  The interactive puppy acts like a real puppy, making Snuggles the perfect toy for your children five and older, without having to feed or housebreak him!

3.Paw Patrol Air Patroller

Paw Patroller Plane

Ranking number three is the Paw Patrol Air Patroller Plane.   The Patroller Plane will be a top toy for your little Paw Patroller aged three to eight.  The lights and sound will keep all Paw Patrollers engaged for hours of Paw Patrol fun.

4. Speak Out

Speak Out Game

At number four on our Top Hot Toy list is Speak Out.   Last year Hasbro had the must-have game Pie Face, this year the must-have game on the list of those sixteen years old and older is Speak Out.   Speak Out is sure to become a family favorite on game night!

5. Cozmo

Cozmo Robot

In at number five, Cozmo the robot will certainly be a family favorite.    Cozmo is a robot that comes to life, and more games and upgrades are unlocked the more you play with it.  Cozmo is sure to be on the list of your elves that are eight and above.

6. 3-in-1 Activity Walker

3-in-1 Activity Walker

The top toddler toy on our 2016 Christmas List is the 3-in-1 Activity Walker at number six.  The top hot toddler toy for Christmas 2016 will keep your toddler active for hours.  Designed for use on the ground for a baby, as a table for those toddlers who are still toddling, or as a walker for those children who are beginning to walk.  Accessorized with enough lights and sounds to keep any child from 9 to 36 months entertained.

7. NERF Modulus Tri-Strike

NERF Modulus Tri-Strike

NERF products are always popular all year round, and Christmas 2016 is no exception.  The NERF Modulus Tri-Strike comes in at number seven.  The NERF Modulus Tri-Strike features three different ways to blast the NERF Elite Darts.  The NERF Modulus Tri-Strike will be a favorite for your elves aged eight and above.

8. Zoomer Chimp

Zoomer Chimp

Zoomer Chimp comes in at number eight.  The newest product in the Zoomer line-up, the Zoomer Chimp will be a great addition to Zoomer team.  The Zoomer Chimp moves like a real chimp, allowing you to play with him and train him to do new tricks.  Your elves that are from five to ten in age will go bananas for a Zoomer Chimp this Christmas.

9. Selfie MIC

Selfie MIC

Selfie MIC Stick comes in at the number nine spot.  The combination of a selfie stick and microphone lets your little elf turn into a rock-star!   The Selfie MIC Stick is the reinvention of the karaoke machine, with the addition of selfie stick, for Christmas 2016.  If you have a child that likes to sing, the Selfie MIC Stick will be the perfect gift. 

10 Code-A-Pillar


Code-A-Pillar comes in at number 10.  Code-A-Pillar comes with nine segments that connect allowing your preschooler to program the Code-A-Pillar.   You can add additional segments to create more moves and routes.  A great introduction to programming and problem-solving that will keep your little elves entertained for hours.  Code-A-Pillar will be a favorite for children from three to eight years old in age.

11. LEGO X-Wing Fighter

LEGO X-Wing Fighter

An honorable mention goes to the LEGO X-Wing Fighter.  Being edged out by just a fraction of a point by the Code-A-Pillar, we thought it was only fair to include the number eleven toy is this listing.  LEGO is always a Christmas favorite for the elves eight and above, and this Star Wars LEGO will be a favorite on Christmas morning.  


If you are looking for more toys than those included in BestToys’ Top 25 Christmas Toys, check out more Hot Christmas Toys at our sister site HotChristmas.Toys.